Adding New Matrix Generators

Matrix Depot provides a diverse collection of test matrices, including parametrized matrices and real-life matrices. But occasionally, you may want to define your own matrix generators and be able to use them from Matrix Depot.

Declaring Generators

When Matrix Depot is first loaded, a new directory myMatrixDepot will be created. Matrix Depot automatically includes all Julia files in this directory. Hence, all we need to do is to copy the generator files to path/to/MatrixDepot/myMatrixDepot and use the function include_generator to declare them.

include_generator(Stuff_To_Be_Included, Stuff, f)

Includes a piece of information of the function f to Matrix Depot, where Stuff_To_Be_Included is one of the following:

  • FunctionName: the function name of f. In this case, Stuff is a string representing f.
  • Group: the group where f belongs. In this case, Stuff is the group name.


To get a feel of how it works, let’s see an example. Suppose we have a file myrand.jl which contains two matrix generator randsym and randorth:

random symmetric matrix

*Input options:*

+ n: the dimension of the matrix
function randsym(n)
    A = zeros(n, n)
    for j = 1:n
      for i = j:n
        A[i,j] = randn()
        if i != j; A[j,i] = A[i,j] end
    return A

random Orthogonal matrix

*Input options:*

+ n: the dimension of the matrix
randorth(n) = qr(randn(n,n)).Q

We first need to find out where Matrix Depot is installed. This can be done by:

julia> @which matrixdepot("")
matrixdepot(p::Union{Regex,...}, args...) in MatrixDepot at

For me, the package user data are installed at /home/.../.julia/dev/MatrixDepot/myMatrixDepot. We can copy myrand.jl to this directory. Now we open the file myMatrixDepot/generator.jl and write:

include_generator(FunctionName, "randsym", randsym)
include_generator(FunctionName, "randorth", randorth)

Due to a bug we have to remove file and restart julia: rm MatrixDepot/data/

This is it. We can now use them from Matrix Depot:

   julia> using MatrixDepot
   include group.jl for user defined matrix generators
   include myrand.jl for user defined matrix generators
   verify download of index files...
   used remote site is
   populating internal database...

   julia> mdinfo()
     Currently loaded Matrices

   ––––––––––– ––––––––––– ––––––––––– –––––––––––– ––––––––––– ––––––––––––– ––––––––––––
   1 baart     10 deriv2   19 gravity  28 kms       37 parter   46 rohess     55 ursell
   2 binomial  11 dingdong 20 grcar    29 lehmer    38 pascal   47 rosser     56 vand
   3 blur      12 erdrey   21 hadamard 30 lotkin    39 pei      48 sampling   57 wathen
   4 cauchy    13 fiedler  22 hankel   31 magic     40 phillips 49 shaw       58 wilkinson
   5 chebspec  14 forsythe 23 heat     32 minij     41 poisson  50 smallworld 59 wing
   6 chow      15 foxgood  24 hilb     33 moler     42 prolate  51 spikes
   7 circul    16 frank    25 invhilb  34 neumann   43 randcorr 52 toeplitz
   8 clement   17 gilbert  26 invol    35 oscillate 44 rando    53 tridiag
   9 companion 18 golub    27 kahan    36 parallax  45 randsvd  54 triw

   –––––––––– –––––––––
   1 randorth 2 randsym

   ––––––– ––––– ––––– ––––––– –––––– ––––––– –––––––––––––––
   all     local eigen illcond posdef regprob symmetric
   builtin user  graph inverse random sparse  test_for_paper2

   Suite Sparse of
   –––––––––––– ––––
   2773         2833

   MatrixMarket of
   –––––––––––– –––
   488          498

 julia> mdinfo("randsym")
    random symmetric matrix

   Input options:

   •  n: the dimension of the matrix

 julia> matrixdepot("randsym", 5)
 5x5 Array{Float64,2}:
  1.57579    0.474591  0.0261732  -0.536217  -0.0900839
  0.474591   0.388406  0.77178     0.239696   0.302637
  0.0261732  0.77178   1.7336      1.72549    0.127008
 -0.536217   0.239696  1.72549     0.304016   1.5854
 -0.0900839  0.302637  0.127008    1.5854    -0.656608

 julia> A = matrixdepot("randorth", 5)
 5x5 Array{Float64,2}:
-0.359134   0.401435   0.491005  -0.310518   0.610218
-0.524132  -0.474053  -0.53949   -0.390514   0.238764
 0.627656   0.223519  -0.483424  -0.104706   0.558054
-0.171077   0.686038  -0.356957  -0.394757  -0.465654
 0.416039  -0.305802   0.326723  -0.764383  -0.205834

 julia> A'*A
 5x5 Array{Float64,2}:
 1.0           8.32667e-17   1.11022e-16   5.55112e-17  -6.93889e-17
 8.32667e-17   1.0          -1.80411e-16  -2.77556e-17  -5.55112e-17
 1.11022e-16  -1.80411e-16   1.0           1.94289e-16  -1.66533e-16
 5.55112e-17  -2.77556e-17   1.94289e-16   1.0           1.38778e-16
-6.93889e-17  -5.55112e-17  -1.66533e-16   1.38778e-16   1.0

We can also add group information in generator.jl:

include_generator(Group, :random, randsym) include_generator(Group, :symmetric, randsym)

After re-starting julia, if we type:

  julia> using MatrixDepot
  include group.jl for user defined matrix generators
  include myrand.jl for user defined matrix generators
  verify download of index files...
  used remote site is
  populating internal database...

  julia> listnames(:symmetric)
  –––––––– –––––––– ––––––– ––––––– –––––– ––––– ––––––––– ––––––– –––––––– ––––––– –––––––––
  cauchy   clement  fiedler hilb    kms    minij oscillate pei     prolate  randsym wathen
  circul   dingdong hankel  invhilb lehmer moler pascal    poisson randcorr tridiag wilkinson

julia> mdlist(:random)
9-element Array{ASCIIString,1}:

the function randsym will be part of the groups :symmetric and :random.

It is a good idea to back up your changes. For example, we could save it on GitHub by creating a new repository named myMatrixDepot. (See for details of creating a new repository on GitHub.) Then we go to the directory path/to/MatrixDepot/myMatrixDepot and type:

git init
git add *.jl
git commit -m "first commit"
git remote add origin
git push -u origin master